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Caipirnha's are for FUCKING LADIES

Do you wanna get fucked up like a latina lady? Then drink Caipirnahas! Click here to learn how to pronouce it.

They are a Brazilian version of the a mojito. They are stronger too! I would suggest this recipe from Maria's Cookbook.


"1 lime 2 ounces of cachaça sugar to taste ice cubes

Wash the lime and roll it on the board to loosen the juices. Cut the lime into pieces and place them in a glass. Sprinkle with the sugar and crush the pieces (pulp side up) with a pestle. (We have a long, wooden one from Brazil, made specifically for this purpose.) Just enough to release the juice, otherwise it'll get bitter. Add the cachaça and stir to mix. Add the ice and stir again. It is delicious and potent!"

I used vodka though because we had some left over from a party. You can use white rum as well. Must caipirnha's have Cachaça which can be hard to find in a liquor store so vodka is the easiest alternative.

Recipe from Maria's Cookbook

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