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Buy Nothing Facebook Groups: They Do Exist!

With technology being able to bring the entire world right to your fingertips we tend to know about what's happening in other parts of the world more than we know about what's actually happening right in our own neighborhoods. Getting to know your neighbors is not what it used to be.

Let me tell you, Morgan and I have found something that will change the way you live!

Our little secret will do 3 things for you.

1) Allow you to do a little good for your community.

2) Allow you to get to know your community members.

3) Allow you to have access to FREE things!

Its called The Buy Nothing Facebook Group.

You can find one based in your neighborhood.

Once you do, your group will consist of community members who are either asking for a particular item or looking to give away items they are no longer in need of.

We all like FREE things. Free clothes.... Free furniture.... Free puppies. No, no actually you can't get puppies but one could still wish.


Asking- Used to preface a Need or a Want to the group.

Give- Used to preface the gift you are gving.

Considered- It means someone has something you would like and want them to consider giving their gift to you!

Important Days of the Week

Talent Tuesday- If you have a talent you want to offer up for free ie: video editing, photography sessions, or babysitting.

Wish Wednesday- Where you post your WISH of the week ie: Wishing for pots and pans, Wishing for batteries, wishing for books.

Thankful Thursday- Post your gratitude toward the community member that you received a gift from!

Why join Buy Nothing? Good question, just do it. You'll be happier, your community will be happier. You will finally be able to give away all those re-gifted gifts you got for Christmas as well as those pair of high school jeans you no longer fit into but want to make sure they go to a good home. Plus you never know you could ask to be considered for an item that will honestly change your life.

Morgan and I recently welcomed Pedro into our home and are so happy to have him in our lives!

SO the next time you are looking for something and you are little stretched for cash or if you have some things lying around the house that you would want to go to a good home join your local Buy Nothing Facebook group and post your gifts/asks.

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