We Came. We Saw. We Ate...Tons of BBQ!
On Saturday, July 30, 2016 Philly’s own Citizen Bank Ball Park hosted the first ever, 2016 Philly BBQ Fest! The best part about the event...

Philly's BBQ Fest 2016: Are You Ready?
With Only 6 days left on the Philly BBQ Festival's official count down clock, there is no better time then NOW to make sure you are ready...

Dîner En Blanc:From Previews to The Main Event
On June 7th, 2016 Morgan and I attended the Preview event to Philadelphia's CLASSIEST, SUAVEST, most ELEGANT event of the year! DRUM ROLL...

Independence Hall - Nothing is stopping you!
It literally horrifies me as to how many people live in Philly and never go to Independence Hall. Our country became a country in this...

Its Called the Supernova
Can you do this? I find your thighs have to be really strong to keep it up. That being said - it makes a woman feel really emopwered....

Caipirnha's are for FUCKING LADIES
Do you wanna get fucked up like a latina lady? Then drink Caipirnahas! Click here to learn how to pronouce it. They are a Brazilian...